Should I Cosign a Bail Bond?

We understand there’s nothing more stressful than learning a family member or a loved one has been arrested! That news alone can send you into an emotional spiral leaving you trying to figure out what you can do to help them. One common way people will help their loved ones is by co-signing for their bail bond. What does it mean to cosign on a bail bond in Wichita, KS? In today’s post we’re going to answer a valid question – should you cosign a bail bond? In this post we’re going to look at what cosigning means and what the responsibilities are for the cosigner. 

What Does It Mean to Cosign? 

Now when you’re thinking of cosigning for a friend or loved one it’s important to know what you’re getting into. Cosigning for a friend or loved ones bail bond isn’t just a sign of approval, that you think they’re a good person, or that you will do anything to get them released. Co-signing for a bail bond is a legally binding document that means you are taking responsibility for their release. Let’s take a look at what that means. 

Paying Bail Bond Fees 

As a co-signer you are responsible for paying your friend’s or loved one’s bail bond fees. Bail bonds commonly cost 10% of the total cost of bail. To learn more about how the bail amount is set, speak with one of our bail agents. By agreeing to cosign on their bail not only are you agreeing to pay for their bail but you will also pay any premium fees. 

Learning a friend or loved one has been arrested can be stressful and emotionally draining. We've looked at co-signing for someone and learned that it means that you will take financial responsibility for bailing them out of jail. What happens after you post bail?  As we continue, we'll take a closer look at your responsibilities as a cosigner after they’ve been released from jail. Should you cosign a bail bond? Let’s begin! 

Awaiting Court Dates 

After you’ve cosigned for your friend or family members release what happens next is very important. When you cosign for someone’s bail and they are released your responsibilities are not over after signing. The purpose of bail is to assure that the defendant will appear for their court dates and uphold their terms of release. If your friend or loved one skips bail, misses a court date, or violates their terms of release you will be held responsible.You will be required to pay any fines or fees and if you’ve opted to use collateral (such as cars, housing, belongings, etc) they will be collected by the bail bond agency. 


Co-signing for someone’s bail may seem like an easy solution. However it’s important to consider the risks. It’s important to understand what your responsibilities are and what will happen if the defendant misses their court dates. Consider your relationship with the defendant and their track record.Ultimately you are the best judge of your situation – when deciding if you should consign it’s important to consider the risks as well as the benefits. 

Contact Our Team Today! 

Has a friend or loved one been arrested in Sedgwick County?Are you considering co-signing for a friend or loved ones bail? Contact our qualified team today at 316-755-5142 and let us help you navigate the process. 

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